The Heart Of 


You can build the flashiest pond out there, but if you get the equipment miss matched it can be a very messy and costly mistake. This is our bread & butter, we know what equipment style, size & brand will suite your pond to a tee...

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Without the correct knowledge & know-how, choosing & installing pond equipment can be a very daunting task. Not only that, if you get it wrong, it can be a very costly mistake.

There are thousands products on the market these days and over the years we have narrowed down which equipment actually works and which does not.

We will only recommend and install tried and tested equipment kits which are low maintenance, easy to clean & most importantly keep your pond clean and healthy.

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Not only can it be an expensive mistake, but it can also be a very stressful time trying to stop the water from going green/murky and constant cleaning/maintenance. In most cases, people just get fed up and eventually neglect the pond altogether.

Majority of the time, the major mistake is choosing a filter which is simply too small. It also doesn't help that some manufacturers overate their products concerning the amount of water that the system can handle. In this industry, size does matter, the bigger the better.

Not only buying a filter that is the correct size, but it is also important choosing a filter that is easy to maintain. This isn't a simple task as there are so many filter systems on the market. Like buying anything these days, some products work and some do not. Cleaning/maintaining your system should be an easy job, not a chore.

We know our industry very well, the systems that work and the ones which do not. Pumps that will run efficiently and the ones which will not. Not only can we select the perfect equipment for you, but we can professionally install it as well. From a small box filter set up to more commercial setups.

Choosing the correct equipment can make pond keeping a breeze.

Get in touch

Simply Pondz LTD

72 Broadwater Street East
West Sussex
BN14 9AP

0800 689 1408 - Free phone 24/7


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Copyright Simply Pondz LTD 2018 - All rights reserved. Companies House Number: 11295957 - VAT Reg: 291641788 - Web site built and maintained by Simply Pondz LTD