A Pain


Every pond keepers nightmare. If left alone it can leterally swollow up your entire pond. Luckily we know how to control and to keep it at bay, permanently...

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Blanket weed simply gets everywhere and anywhere, it loves clear water too which is bad news for all pond keepers. Or is it?

Blanket weed is actually pretty simple to eradicate. It is fairly easy to treat as it is an algae and not so much a robust plant.

The problem is when it has taken over treating simply makes a complete mess of your pond it breaks down and blocks everything up.

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The quickest and easiest way to combat this issue is a full drain clean and tidy to remove all blanket weed inc everything else unwanted. Blanket weed is no match to our jet washes...

The trick to keep blanket weed at bay is to add a treatment within a week of cleaning to prevent it actually from developing. It is so much easier treating it early than if you wait for it to grow and then to try to remove.

Added Bonus

Without blanket weed present, most of the dirt should find its way to your filter not caught up in the weed on the pond sides, rocks pipes etc making pond maintenance that much easier.

Get in touch with to book in a pond clean.

Get in touch

Simply Pondz LTD

72 Broadwater Street East
West Sussex
BN14 9AP

0800 689 1408 - Free phone 24/7


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